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Book Suzánne for 

Speaking Engagements


          SUZÁNNE EAGLIN is excited to share her personal testimony with your community. Her talking points include:

  • Five stages of grief as experienced by the divorced heart

  • The emotional trauma inherent in the dissolution of a marriage

  • Practical steps toward recovery 

  • Renewed empowerment


She approaches each talk with authenticity and transparency. Chief of her messages is that divorce is not the end of the world – she explains how to remove doubts, reclaim your power within, refine your life’s vision, and take back your joy. Suzánne shares the secrets of building a new foundation for a healthier life free from anger and bitterness. She teaches how to wake up to happiness, set ordered goals, and visualize victory. Her talks aim to help everyone involved in the process of divorce, including the children, friends, and co-workers of the divorcing couple. In short, this powerful speaker will move your community toward wholeness.


For speaking engagements or to order an autographed copy of Living Victoriously After,  

Complete the contact form.

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